I've been wanting to set up an RSS account for a long time, but have resisted partly because clicking on to a friend's blog and finding a new post is like unwrapping a small present and it brings me a little happiness. But as I discover more and more blogs that I enjoy reading and my favorites folders fill to bursting, clicking on each blog to see if there is something new becomes really time-consuming. So the time for RSS has arrived.

In a moment of rebellion, I have not signed up for Bloglines as instructed, but instead have opted for Google Reader. I have received many recommendations to use Reader, and I already have a Google account (obviously, since Blogger is a Google product!). My homepage is an iGoogle page, so the whole affair is seamless and integrated. It is relatively easy to add a blog or feed to Reader, just time consuming since I have so many that I enjoy. This will be an ongoing project!
An aside: OK, I think we all know about my penchant for adding pictures to my blog. I usually use Google image search to find good pictures if they are not self-generated. But tonight I couldn't find what I wanted so a drew down on my new-found knowledge of Flickr and found the above gem. Perfect!
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