Wednesday, December 10, 2008
LIS 635 Final Project

Sunday, December 7, 2008
#23 Summarize
What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I liked all of them in one way or another. Even those that were not my favorites were good because they expanded my awareness or appreciation of various applications. My favorite part of this exercise was the blog itself. I really enjoy this format. It is both practical and fun.
Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008
#22 NetLibrary

#21 Podcasts

Hulu?! Anybody out there?
#20 You Tube
First, I just have to say that I love Arthur! I love the books, the PBS cartoon show, just the name "Arthur" is great! Even if I didn't have kids who watched Arthur, I would still watch it occasionally because the plots actually have several layers of depth to them with humor and literary allusions for adults (education-wise, not content-wise!). And I hate to admit how many times my three kids and I have danced in our living room to "Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card!" But, on to You Tube . . .
The name You Tube is clearly a pun on the slang term "Boob Tube" and no more apt a moniker was ever coined. You Tube is at the center of the Internet time-sucking vortex and is filled with tons of narcissistic garbage. That said, it is also home to a lot of great content including humorous, educational and moving videos. I like searching favorite songs and seeing the videos other people have created (usually photo montages). You Tube is also a great space for family and friends to share video long distance. WE have numerous friends and family who post binkie's first steps or tot's first drum set and then send us a link. It's a nice way to stay in touch.
Does You Tube have any serious applications for library use? I struggle to come up with anything truly earth-shattering! It would be fun for a teen group at the library to create videos for other teens telling what they love about the library and then post it on the teen spot on the library website. Or how about a several session teen program where they create a murder mystery mini movie (m4!) set in the library? Staff training videos could be created or some sort of fun video that is on the library's website that welcomes patrons and sets the tone for an interactive, enjoyable library experience? You know, because HAVING FUN ISN'T HARD, WHEN YOU'VE GOT A LIBRARY CARD!!!