Boo! I chose Ghost as my site to explore from the list of Web 2.0 Award Winners. GHOST stands for Global Hosted Operating SysTem and is a virtual computer and operating system complete with office suite and web applications. The entire system is free and the benefit is that users have their entire computer not tied to a specific physical machine, but hosted online and available anywhere in the world.
The entire project is completely open source; they use no commercial software and are working on making their programming accessible to users to write their own applications (like Flickr, but on a larger scale!) What an awesome concept! What is even more incredible is that this is a joint Palestinian-Israeli venture backed by Benchmark Capital with an even grander goal than awesome technology -- peace between Arabs and Israelis.
I find this project to be something so incredible it seems like it's from a movie or book plot. Check it out if you get a chance. I'm going to investigate a little more and might use it as our main OS.
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